About our structure and aims

Saving your preloved items from landfill

Finding every preloved item a new place to call home

Recycling and repurposing what’s left behind.

At FurwebsMarkets “Social Preloved Recycle” we aim to reduce landfill by salvaging and rehoming unwanted items that the average household is forced to throw away simply to make space in their own home.

Countless perfectly serviceable clothes, media items and toys alone make their way into black bins heading for landfill tip sites up and down the country on a weekly basis as people simply have no way to dispose of items efficiently within their purview, nor often within their reach.

We offer a collection service (within our local area + 10 miles, or more subject to discussion) to alleviate undue hassles of transporting goods which proves especially helpful for elderly supporters or those who do not drive.

Our aim is to utilise all funds that are raised from the sales of these reclaimed goods to benefit not only our own sanctuary cause but to continue our supports on a monthly basis to innumerable Nationwide and Global causes for Animal Welfare, Social & Eco Aid plus ploughing funds straight back in to our endeavours for ongoing fundraising.

Items that do not meet the grade for rehoming are put to good uses in other ways (materials reclaimed, purposes changed but not put in landfill unless complete soilage in evident.)

Along the way we do meet incredulous people who battle against our good pure efforts with negativity based on false knowledge (those who believe without a registered charity number we cannot possibly be what we say, and that falsely accuse us of touting ourselves as a Charity where we do not) but with the ongoing support we receive from the communities around us, we are always raring to push ahead and on to the next big goal.

Our story and the journey we've taken

From a very long time ago (2006) until present time we have raised funds by selling handmade items, wholesale stock and our own / family & friends unwanted preloved items to cover Medicines, Food, Care & Cleaning Supplies, Living Expenses and Vet Bills (To name but a few things) for our growing special needs cats cause. Meanwhile we have always supported innumerable local organisations with fundraising.

Over lockdown, as you can imagine - the world became "topsy turvy". Items couldn't be obtained in the same way, shopping was mostly done online or "drop off points" were set up in communities where items could be freely taken/swapped when you didn't need them any longer and someone else could make use of them due to shortages etc. Sadly once lockdown eased up and now becomes somewhat of a "forgotten dream state" - many of these community endeavors went away and people had to revert back to storing items away or simply throwing them in landfill at the local tip/refuse sites. As shopping ways went back to some form of normality this just worsened the already cluttered states many homes found themselves in as you could once again "nab that perfect item" while you already had a dozen similarly at home..

This is where we came to find that many local families were desperate to reclaim space, from moving homes to having piles of unwanted gifts laying around - they were only too happy to see them gone and in doing so helping our fundraising goals grow and spread into something wonderful. We absolutely hate to see perfectly good items go to landfill. Similarly we wish we could help many many more causes and social groups / animal welfare services and environmental aids but with only our own handmade items and small business - what could we do? We after all have our own many mouths to feed and care for their medical requirements... Well, Social Preloved Recycle can help us do this. We collect (or sometimes supporters drop off) items that are no longer wanted in their present home, we process the items (make sure they're in great condition, fully detail their state and pop the items up for sale at prices a mere fraction of what they would cost to buy elsewhere - and we use to proceeds from the sales to plough straight back into our fundraising efforts, alongside sending donations of support to other causes etc and of course using funds to pay for living expenses for our cause.
We do NOT "profit from the sales ourselves", we take absolutely no "salary" and in fact often plough our own funds in to our work to ensure we can keep our services at a high quality.