Friday 3rd Jan 2014

This page was written some time in 2013 but contains information that is still relevant so I have not deleted it or edited its content.
A brief account of today with the cats.
Am: The cats all three came out for a run around and play when we got out to the cabin, they did the usual roles - by that I mean each doing their own usual acts.
Chewie ran out of the house , onto the trolley and then launched at me on the sofa. Usually I am stood at the Diary unit (cupboard which the heater is on and which is tall enough for me to Comfortably stand up at and write my daily diary entries)Wolfie was not far behind her and hopped upon my leg. Pumpkin jumped out of the house , slipped effortlessly from the trolley and slunk around the corner of the sofa. They had a quick Walkabout and hug , or in pums case - a "you want to do WHAT with me?!'" and leggit!
They all decided they wanted food so jumped over each other to be first to get back into the house.Wolfie did he usual and came back out a couple of times and hearded back. Food (meds) were given and typically he finished first.To stop him trying to eat the girls food he comes back out while they finish eating.
He often darts into his den cupboard to sit on top of Turti his turtle.But today he sat on the sofa with Johnny and nested on his legs.Chew finished her food and cried to come back out for hugs but the wind was getting up again by then and pum had already gone back to bed so we put wool back in and tucked the covers over the front of the house as normal to both keep them warm and to muffle the noises of outdoor for chewie.

Tonight when we went out it was already very windy so we didn't want to risk problems , as chew gets panicky with the weather. So we didn't let them have a play firstly but fed them some strips of chicken (cooked by mum) in turn and then once things calmed a little let them play. Wolf and Chew spent ages licking the floor for scraps that may of been dropped (there was none) but it kept them entertained.
They had dries then hugs on the sofa but gusts of wind kept shaking the wall so we put them to bed , I wrote the diary entries and then we came indoors.
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